I'll give this story a 5.5...
It has a good plot, but it is short and it needs a few rewrites in it, read it and you will know what I mean!
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by Megara
A young girl of 15 walks into a laboratory. She has blond hair and green eyes. Her name is Cambry. A boy, Kenny, follows her into the room. He is taller than she and had dark hair and blue eyes.
"Wow! Is this your dad's laboratory?" Cambry asked in a southern accent.
"Yes. Dad is working on a new invention here." Kenny said.
"Can I see it?" Cambry asked excited.
"Sure." Kenny led her to another part of the laboratory. They came to a man in his early 40's working on a machine. The machine was small and made of metal. It had switches and dials on it. "Hey dad." Kenny said as he approached Dr. Frank.
"Hello, son." Dr. Frank greeted. "Need anything?" "No, just showing Cambry around your laboratory, and she wanted to see what you were working on."
"I'm working on a time machine." Dr. Frank said proudly.
"WOW!!!" Cambry and Kenny said at the same time. "How does it work?"
"Simple, you tell the computer what time you want to go to by typing in the year on the little computer here." Dr. Frank said pointing to a small screen on the machine. "Then you press this button and the time machine will open a portal and you step into it." "Wow, when are you going to test it out?" Kenny asked.
"Right now." Dr. Frank said. "Stand back and stay out of the way. I'm going to turn the machine on and a portal will appear. I don't want any of you kids getting stuck in the past."
Cambry and Kenny gladly stepped away from the testing area. Dr. Frank pressed a button and stepped back too. The machine made a humming sound, then it shot out a purple light. The light made a circle and began to suck stuff into it like a vacuum cleaner. It got so strong that it began to pull Cambry into the portal. She tried to hold on to Kenny, who was holding onto a table, but she lost her grip and got pulled through.
"CAMBRY!!!!!!!!!" Kenny yelled as he watched his girlfriend go through the portal.
"Well, this is interesting." Megatron said as he studied the screen. "It appears that some sort of portal had opened and a life form came through it. Hmmmmm."
"Waspinator, Inferno, and Quick Strike." He said into his communicator. Waspinator, Inferno, and Terrorsaur appeared on the screen.
"Yes, your majesty?" Inferno said with a bow. Waspinator and Quick Strike rolled their eyes.
"I want you to go to these coordinates and look for something . . . Unusual." Megatron said. "If you find anything, then bring it back here unharmed."
"We will do as you wish, your highness." Inferno said with a bow.
"Some sort of portal opened at these coordinates." Rhinox said. He was pointed at the red dot on the screen. "And some thing fell through it."
"What?" Optimus asked staring at the dot.
"I don't know." Rhinox said. "But I think we should check it out. Megatron may have seen it already."
"Rat Trap. Cheetor. Dinobot. I wont you to check it out. Watch out for Predacons." Optimus said.
"Okay." Cheetor said.
Cambry slowly opened her eyes. She ached all over. She must have a million bruises on her body. She sat up and looked around. She was on some sort of field or meadow. Then she saw the gazelle. "Wait a minute!!" Cambry said to herself. "I can't be in Africa. I'm supposed to be in America."
She stood up, wincing because of her bruises, and looked around some more. Then she spotted something in the distance. She squinted and looked harder.
"What is that?" She thought. "There are three of them. Looks like a wasp carrying an ant and something that looks like a flying bird. And they're heading this way." The objects came closer. "No, it can't be. It couldn't possibly be." The objects came even closer. "But it is!!!" It is!!!" Cambry could see that the objects were big animals coming toward her.
Waspinator let go of Inferno. Inferno transformed and hovered.
Waspinator and Terrorsaur transform too.
"It's a human!!" Pterosaur said looking at Cambry, who was pale in the face.
"And I must take her to the Royalty." Inferno said.
"No, Wazzzpinator will take her to Megaratron." Waspinator said. Cambry watched the Predacons argue who was going to take her to Megatron. She decided that she didn't want to meet this Megatron, so she did the best logical thing. Run like crazy. "Hey!! She's getting away!" Terrorsaur said pointing at the running girl.
Inferno swooped and knocked Cambry down. Cambry hit the ground with a thud. She looked up to see Inferno land in front of her. She sat up and tried to stand, but she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. She had twisted her ankle.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" She screamed as Inferno grabbed her arm. He picked her up. Cambry screamed and tried to hit him, but it hurt her fists to hit metal. She was afraid.
"I suggest you listen to the lady and leave her away." Came a voice. Cambry and the Predacons looked to see Rat Trap, Cheetor, and Dinobot standing before them.
"Release the human or else." Dinobot said as he made his blades on his sword spin.
"Go ahead and shoot." Terrorsaur said as he landed beside Inferno and Cambry. "But you may accidentally hurt the girl." He said as he touched Cambry's cheek. Cambry flinched from his touch. The Maximals knew he was right. They could hit Cambry while firing on them. Cambry wasn't like them. One blast from their guns could very easily injure her or kill her. They drew back their weapons in defeat. "Wise choice." Inferno said. "Now we're going to take the girl to Megatron and we better not see any of you Maximals following us or the human dies."
The Predacons took to the air. Cambry put her arms around Inferno's neck and buried her face into his shoulder. She hated heights more than anything.
"This is just prime." Rat Trap said. He held his wrist to his face and said, "Optimus Prime, we got trouble."
"What happened?" Came Optimus's voice.
"The object that fell out of the portal was a human chick." Rattrap said. "And the Preds already took her before we could help her." "Prime." Optimus groaned. "Come back and we'll think of a plan to help her. We're alerting Tigertron right now."
"Let me go!!!" Cambry said as she tried to punch Inferno's face. Her small fist hit his cheek, but instead of hurting him, she hurt herself.
"Hold still." Inferno commanded, trying to keep her still with out hurting her.
"I said let me go!!!!!" She screamed again. She pulled one of his antennae and try to scratch his face.
"Hold still or I'll . . . " Inferno threatened.
"Having trouble?" Terrorsaur asked. "Need me to take the human girl to Megatron for you?"
"NO!!" Inferno snapped. "I will take the human to the Royalty myself."
"Excuse me, but this human has a name!!" Cambry yelled. "My name is Cambry."
The Predacons didn't seem to hear her. They came to the Predacon base. Cambry gasped when she saw the ship. They entered the base. Inferno was still holding Cambry who was kicking and screaming.
"Shut up and hold still!!!!" Inferno yelled.
"LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!" Cambry screamed so loud that the Predacons had to cover the sides of their heads where their ears should be. Inferno dropped Cambry, she fell and landed on the floor with a thud. "Thank you." Cambry groaned as she picked herself up. "Human loud Zzzcreamer." Waspinator said as he rubbed the side of his head.
"Come on, human." Inferno growled as he pulled Cambry off the floor and took her to Megatron. Cambry was screaming and kicking, swearing to get away from him. Inferno finally managed to get Cambry to Megatron's command chamber.
"Who are you?!!" Cambry yelled when she saw Megatron. "Allow me to introduce myself, my dear." Megatron said. "I am Megatron, commander of this ship."
"What do you want with me?" Cambry demanded. She tried to pull away from Inferno, but he held her tight.
"I just want to ask you a few questions." Megatron said. "How did you get to this time?"
Cambry wondered whether she should tell Megatron how she got to this time. She decided not to do so.
"No way. I'm not telling you a thing." Cambry said. "You may not tell me, but I believe you will tell Tarantulas after he tortures you for a while." Megatron said with a smile. Cambry felt fear rise in her. Inferno took her to another chamber. Inferno forced her to lie on a table and strapped her down. He left her and later Tarantulas entered.
"What are you going to do to me?" Cambry asked with panic in her voice.
"I'm going to torture you." Tarantulas said. He picked up something that looked like a blue wire. "But if you answer a little question, I won't."
"What?" Cambry asked.
"Where did you come from?" Tarantulas asked. He grabbed the bottom of Cambry's shirt and pulled it up to reveal her stomach. He held the wire to her stomach. The wire began to glow.
"I. . .I . . ." Was all Cambry could say.
"I'll take it that you refuse to tell me." Tarantulas said. "This is going to hurt you more than it's going to hurt me." He pressed the wire to Cambry's stomach.
Cambry screamed in pain. The wire was hurting her. It felt like Tarantulas was pressing a hot iron to her stomach.
"We have to bust into the Predacon base and rescue the human." Cheetor said. "There is no telling what Megatron will do to her." "I know, Cheetor." Optimus said. "Now calm down. I think I may have a plan."
"That's all I know." Cambry sobbed. She was still strapped to the table. She had told Tarantulas everything she knew about Dr. Frank's time machine.
Tarantulas had burned her stomach and arms. Then he ripped open her blouse and burned her chest, neck, and shoulders. Cambry would have told him sooner, but she couldn't have the chance because she was screaming in pain.
"I'll tell Megatron all this later." Tarantulas said. "Now let's continue, shall we?"
"You going to burn me after I told you everything?" Cambry asked panic.
"Yup." He said. He increased the power in the wire. The wire glowed more brightly. He unbuckled Cambry's belt and removed her pants. He enjoyed torturing people.
"But why????" Cambry asked in panic. "You can't do this after I told you everything."
"I can and I will." Tarantulas said as he dropped Cambry's jeans on the floor.
"Please." Cambry begged. Tarantulas ignored her and pressed the wire against her thigh.
All the Maximals hid outside the Predacon base. Optimus shot at the ship. Before too long there was a battle going on. Cheetor, Tigertron, and Dinobot snuck behind the Predacon base in robot mode. They made sure that Predacons did not see them before they blasted a hole in the ship. They cautiously entered and looked around. They didn't see any Predacons. All the Predacons were too busy fighting the other Maximals on the other side of the base. "Which way do we go?" Cheetor asked. Right then they heard a cry of pain.
"Simple. Follow the screams." Dinobot said. They walked down a hallway to the room where Tarantulas was torturing Cambry. They saw Tarantulas standing with his back to the doorway and standing beside Cambry, who was strapped to the table. "No more. Please, no more." Cambry pleaded. "Shut up." Tarantulas said as he pressed the wire to her knee. Cambry screamed.
This made Tigertron MAD. He raised his gun and shot Tarantulas in the back. The shot sent Tarantulas over the table and onto the floor. Before he could get up, Dinobot ran to him and planted his foot firmly on his head.
"Don't move." Dinobot snarled.
Cheetor and Tigertron was unstrapping Cambry from the table. Cambry had burns everywhere. It hurt whenever she tried to move. "Are you all right?" Cheetor asked.
"No, I hurt everywhere." Cambry said. "Where are my clothes?"
"Here they are." Cheetor said as he handed Cambry her jeans and pants.
Cambry painfully got dressed as fast as she could. She was a little afraid of the Maximals, but they had helped her and seemed to care about her so she trusted them.
"Where are you going to take me?" Cambry asked. "We're going to leave this base and go to the Axalon." Tigertron said. "But now we have to hurry or else we'll get caught." Dinobot quickly knocked Tarantulas out so he won't alert Megatron. Then they left the room. Cheetor carried Cambry. They made it to the hole and exited.
"We have the human." Dinobot said.
"Good, return to base." Optimus said.
Rhinox treated Cambry for her burns. Luckily, she will not have scars. Her burns were healing and the pain was going away, but she still had nightmares of Tarantulas torturing her. She told Optimus how she came to this time. Optimus said that when they got back to Cybertron, he'd see to it that she got home. Cambry and Cheetor became friends instantly. It was good to have someone around that was your age. She was kinda afraid of Dinobot, but she knew that he would never hurt her. Rattrap was an okay friend. Tigertron was almost like a father to her. Optimus and Rhinox were like uncles to her.
"Hey, Cam." Cheetor said as he approached (in beast mode) his friend who was sitting on a hill near the Axalon. "What are you doing?" "Just thinking." Cambry said. "A lot has happened to me, you know."
"Yeah." Cheetor said as he lay beside her.
"I thinking about the people, I know at home." Cambry said. "They must surely think I'm dead. I wonder what will happen to Dr. Frank. I know he'll feel guilty about me and hope he doesn't get arrested for murder. What about my Mom? When my dad left her for another woman nearly tore her apart. There is no telling what she will do when she finds out I'm gone."
"I don't know." Cheetor said. "But when you get back home everything will go back to normal for you."
"No, it won't." Cambry said. "People will ask me where I have been. What am I going to tell them? I was caught up in a war between robots called Maximals and Predacons. They'll think I'm nuts." "I wish I could help." Cheetor said rubbing his head against her arm to comfort her.
"It's okay. I won't think about it until I need to." She said as she scratched behind his ear. "Until then, I'll have to fight on the Maximals' side of the Beast Wars."