How many characters went Transmetal 2?
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![]() News
![]() Date:3-20-01
Well, how is everyone doing!!! School has been over for awhile now, and so I have decided to do a little re-logo creation (hope you like it). The game is on hold right now, but the moment that I start it back up, you guys will be the first to know. Welp, see you all later, until the next update. (Every one, please start sending me ideas on hoe to better improve my site. Even give me ideas on what to post, or, if you would like to help make my site, then, click on "contact me", email me or try my AOL name.)
How do you all like the new logo! I've done that and I've been working on the game a little more. I have finally decided that I don't have enough time to make the game, and beta test it, soooo, I need three beta testers. If anyone is interested, please, email me. I've got a video that I'm going to upload in a few days, so everyone be ready for that, because it is pretty good.
WOW!!!!!!!!!! I haven't updated for sooooooooooo long now. I've had a lot to think about in the last two months. For those of you who have gone to Vector Sigma, you will have seen that I have a poster up! This is for what I "code named" Beast Machines 2. It is a fanfic that I am writing about the after math of the Beast Machines shows. For all that are even interested in reading something like this, email me for support. I am creating a video preview for these books, that I think that anyone will enjoy (it will be uploaded soon). Have a great Feb., because I'm not sure when I will be able to update again (probably when I upload the video).
The test game is ready for download!!! You can download it from the downloads page. I expect to here a lot of feed back from the game so that way I know what you think of it, so I can update it more often. Also, sorry about not updating my page in forever, but the sever was down and I couldn't upload anything. But that gave me the chance to finish the test game!
The Test game is finished!!! Yes, you read that right! Version 0.1 Beta 2 of Beast Wars RPG: The Legend of Legends is almost ready for download! I just have to work out a few last minuet details with the files. But not to worry, it will be ready for download no later than Sat. (1-6-01). But, don't get to excited yet. Remember, this is just a test game, and doesn't have much to it yet, but the upgrades will be coming!!!
Well, I have some good news!!! I fnished Transmetal Boundries, chapter two, to the 2 chapter mini book that I was creating for the intro to the game that I am making, and by the way, I will have a test game up and running very soon, so, it will be out there. But fist, read the fanfic intro's that I made by clicking here, or going to Vector Sigma, they are really good readings!!!
Been awile since I have updated! It feels good to be back on the web! As for the game, will not be done by Dec. 19. Its not runing as smoothly as I had hoped. I am, though, getting an affiliate to come in and help me put it together (he has a lot more free time than I do). I got a logo now for my site, I hope you all like it (made it myself).
Whats up all you trans fans? I'm almost done with the second chapter now, but I think that I may have lied about the game date. It's not going quite as smooth as I thought that it was going to be. BUT, I am looking for some one to help me program the game. If you think that you might want to help, then email me! I have also added my AIM account to the contact me page, so you can contact me on AIM if you want to, at anytime (that is, if I'm on or not). Welp, need to go type some more. Update you later!!!
WOW! So, how do you like the new look to my website? It's all coming together pretty good!!! It says above, that I set a date for the game; and hopefully, this date won't change. I probably won't update again until the second chapter to "The Power Saga" is done. So, until then, have fun, and don't forget to read my fic, it's pretty good!!!
What's up!!! It's been a whole five days since I last updated... but for good reason. I have written, and posted, a fanfic of my own. This fanfic has two chapters, and these two chapters are the leading up to the game. The next chapter will be coming in about another week. This story is in Vector Sigma
It's update time. I've now added a chat room for my site. If you would like, you can come on in and talk to me, the T2 Webmaster, anytime you would like (if I'm there of coarse). I may not update for awile because of the game, but thats ok, it's looken pretty good right now anyway...
News about the game... will only be told in the news letter that will be sent out in just a few days. I will give you a hint (it's about a fanfic). If you are not signed up on the news letter, then you will miss out on the excitement!
Hey, I have set the game date to around the end of December. I have some statements about the game but you will have to be on the mailing list to read them. Eventually I hope to get a small demo going, but till then... we will all have to wait...